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  .nehw tub ,erehw ro woh fo rettam a ton si tI

  niaga uoy ees thgim I yad eno spahreP

  tsav yrev os ho si dlrow siht tuB

  tsap eht ot tsol era ,evol ym ,uoY

  tseb eht rof ti kniht I

  tseuq ym nodnaba tsum I

  retsasid uoy tnarg lliw ti dna ,ti egnahC

  retsam ruo si emiT

  kcolc eht no eno syas tI

  kcot ,kciT

  !em evas uoy t’now ,ydobyna ,ydobemos ,esaelP

  ees I lla si ssenkcalb taerg A

  eroy fo srats eht rea ,oot enoG

  ,erom on si htreE ehT

  uoy dna em neewteb dnats snoillib ,snoillim ,sdnasuohT

  ?hguorht enog I evah ,won sraey ynam woH

  llif ym dah evah I ,kcab og em teL

  llits retsaf ,retsaF

  !yats em tel esaelp ho ,ecaf ruoy fo espmilg A

  yad lufetaf taht tsap ylf I

  gnorts siht eb ot llup eht tcepxe ton did I

  gnorw si gnihtemos ,oN

  em dnuora lriws sraey ,syad ,setuniM

  ees I lla si thgil nedlog fo lennut A

  lliw ylno ym si uoy hcaer oT

  llits resolc ,resolC

  yawa nur uoy edam I nehW

  yad lufetaf taht sdrawoT

  tort lliw I flesti emit hguorhT

  ton dluoc yeht tahw enod evah I tuB

  retsaf ro rewols ti ekam tonnac eW

  retsam ruo si emiT

  kcolc eht no evlewt syas tI

  kcot ,kciT

  Technical Aspect: The poem is written in reverse, read it from the last letter of the last line and work backwards (read right to left, bottom to top).

  Explanation: emiT was created around the same time as FLSKHU and follows a similar design philosophy. While both poems are visually striking and differ from the norm, emiT is marginally easier to read. As a long-time fan of backwards writing, I particularly enjoyed writing this poem.

  In terms of subject matter, the tale of a heartbroken time traveller moving through time to undo his past mistake was a story to tell. It is my belief that this tale, when combined with the poem’s unusual structure, adds a degree of immersion that would otherwise not exist. Starting from the poem’s “end”, you must go against the normal flow of top to bottom and left to right in order to reach the poem’s “start”. Just as the time traveller warps space and time with his journey, so too does the poem warp your imagination.

  For those of you who have not the time for such things, I have included the original version. It is what I wrote first and what I used to create emiT (by reversing the order of each line and word).

  Tick, tock

  It says twelve on the clock

  Time is our master

  We cannot make it slower or faster

  But I have done what they could not

  Through time itself I will trot

  Towards that fateful day

  When I made you run away

  Closer, closer still

  To reach you is my only will

  A tunnel of golden light is all I see

  Minutes, days, years swirl around me

  No, something is wrong

  I did not expect the pull to be this strong

  I fly past that fateful day

  A glimpse of your face, oh please let me stay!

  Faster, faster still

  Let me go back, I have had my fill

  How many years now, have I gone through?

  Thousands, millions, billions stand between me and you

  The Earth is no more,

  Gone too, are the stars of yore

  A great blackness is all I see

  Please, somebody, anybody, won't you save me!

  Tick, tock

  It says one on the clock

  Time is our master

  Change it, and it will grant you disaster

  I must abandon my quest

  I think it for the best

  You, my love, are lost to the past

  But this world is oh so very vast

  Perhaps one day I might see you again

  It is not a matter of how or where, but when.

  084 097 108 108 101 114


  I am so (happy/saddened) that it has come to this…

  After two decades of (hell/paradise)


  I always thought we wound (never last/last forever)

  We were young to wed, and that (doomed us/didn’t matter)

  (He/She) was my first love, and I always (doubted/believed) that (He/She) would be my last

  Every night, (snoring!/falling asleep together)

  Every morning, (body odour!/pancakes!)

  I mean, (He/She) would always (eat all the/give me her) dessert!

  Sure, we had our (good/bad) times but they never lasted long

  After this, I hope I can (find someone new/still be in her life)

  It hasn’t been all (bad/good), but that is no reason to (stay/leave), is it?

  I have (always questioned/never doubted) if I still love (Him/Her)

  But now I (see the lie/know the truth)

  Two decades of (pretending/happiness)

  The time has come for us to (be free/be apart)

  There is one thing that (might/will never) change…

  The fact that I will (never/always) love you

  Technical Aspect: Each line has two interpretations based on which choice is used (the first choice tells the wife’s story, the second the husband’s).

  Explanation: This poem is interesting in that it provokes a different response depending on who reads it. While some naturally gravitate towards the woman’s side, others identify more with the man. I believe that this poem’s greatest strength lies in the choice given to the reader to determine the poem’s composition.

  In relationships, we often say that every choice matters. We can choose to listen attentively to our partner’s needs and wants or we can choose to ignore them and focus on our own selfish desires. The choice might seem insignificant at the time, but by choosing the selfish option, resentment can build up and eventually undermine an otherwise healthy relationship.

  Sadly, many of us are not even aware that this is happening. We delude ourselves and refuse to acknowledge the signs of growing unhappiness. We tell ourselves that our partner is happy, and are thus wholly surprised when they finally reveal that this is anything but the truth.

  So, make the right choice. Listen. Observe. Empathise. What are they thinking? What are they feeling? Have we been attentive to their needs? Have we acted in a selfish manner?

  Every day we are given the chance to make the right choice.

  Will you?

  083 116 114 111 110 103 101 114

  Me, Myself and…

  They always say we

  Not once have they told me to go away

  And yet, a team cannot be created from good thoughts alone

  Are we really a team?

  They always say that the word “team” does not have the letter…well, you already know, don’t you?

  When we play, why do they never pass to me?

  When we celebrate, why do they never call for me?

  When we lose, why do they always blame me?

  So many late days and early days.

  Play, play, play, that’s all they say!

  Are my shots not good enough?

  Are my passes not exemplary?

  Are my calls not answered?

  What are teammates for, exactly?

  To slow me down?

  To degrade my performance?

  To call me out?

  To make fun of me?

  They always say we

  But lately, that sounds the same as me, me, me.

  The word “Team” has always had a “me”…

  Not anymore

  So long, and thanks for all the “we’s”

  From now on, let me be known as just “me”

  Technical Aspect: The letter “I” is never used in the poem.

  Explanation: While trying to decide which letter I would omit from this poem, I pondered several options. Obviously, “E”, the most common letter in the English language was quite attractive from a creative/challenge point of view. However, as I have stated before, I prefer to have the subject matter and the Technical Aspect have some level of connection. Therefore, choosing “I” allowed me to write a poem about teamwork and fully utilize the poem’s Technical Aspect to deepen the poem’s message.

  070 097 115 116 101 114

  The Question

  The question has been asked

  How am I to answer?

  Every time I think I know,

  A different answer appears

  Now we are together

  Someday we might not be

  Who knows how long we will last

  Eventually you may tire of me

  Realizing that I am not the man for you

  I, however, have made my choice

  Simply put, I have asked myself the same question, day after day

  For it is this question that I must answer

  Only I can answer it

  Really now, it’s not that hard

  Especially not when I see your face

  Very well, I will tell you

  Everything hinges on my answer, no?

  Realistically, how long will our love last?

  Technical Aspect: Taking the first letter of each line gives the answer to the poem.

  Explanation: In this poem, I experimented in creating a hidden message within the poem itself. For those readers who did not realize this, their understanding of the poem is significantly different (and most likely a bit sadder) than the intended meaning. I wanted to obscure the true message of the poem in order to increase the interactivity and provide a ‘eureka!’ moment when the message becomes clear. This ‘eureka!’ moment is present in several of my other poems, and I believe that that feeling of accomplishment and understanding helps to make the poem both more memorable and more personal.

  For those of you who did not get it: The Answer is Forever

  083 109 097 114 116 101 114


  (Help me!)

  (Boat sank!)

  (No food!)

  -Marooned on a deserted island-

  -No signs of life anywhere-

  -I fear that this place will kill me-

  (Please come!)

  (Come soon!)

  (Losing hope.)

  Technical Aspect: The poem is shaped in the same structure as the SOS Morse code (…---…).

  Explanation: One of the shorter poems in this collective, both its length and subject matter are derived from the desperate nature of being lost at sea. I wanted to have each line be a representation of that desperate need to survive and that dwindling hope. Inside each of the nine characters (the “.” And “-“) the survivor pours his feelings and his hope. Knowing that help might never come, he sends out his desperate message regardless. I wanted the reader (that’s you) to feel that same deepness of thought and meaning contained in the simplicity of the characters.

  069 118 101 114 121 032 100 097 121


  Every day, agony

  Wake up

  Get dressed

  Eat breakfast

  Drive to work

  Mundane employment

  Multiplied by infinity

  Following morning, despair


  Clothe myself

  Consume nourishment


  Mind-numbing occupation


  Succeeding morrow, misery


  Garments on


  Arrive at office

  One step closer towards death

  Without end

  Another cycle, anguish

  Forgo sleep

  Raiment equipped

  Devour nutrients

  Sit in traffic

  Make someone else money

  Ad infinitum


  Reject repetitions!

  Embrace life!

  Do what makes you happy!

  Make your dreams reality!

  Ambition is the antithesis of drudgery.

  Technical Aspect: No word is repeated throughout the poem.

  Explanation: Repeat was an interesting poem to write as it forced me to expand my vocabulary and carefully plan out my word use. Before I wrote Repeat, I had no idea how dependent we are on certain common words such as “and” and “to”, and that being able to only use them once in a story or poem forces one to be creative with their word use.

  As always, the meeting point of Technical Aspect and subject matter is an important part of each of my Technical Poems and I believe that Repeat is a great example of how poetry can be enhanced through the addition of a Technical Aspect. While the effect is subtle and understated, I believe that the reader’s mind will subconsciously pick up on the poem’s unusual structure and this will lead to a sense of unease and curiosity.

  What do you do in your day to day existence? Wake up. Eat. Travel. Work. Sleep. Again and again. Over and over. Is this what you want? Are you living the dream? Or is your dream dead and gone. I ask you. Look at yourself. Is your life full of meaningless repetitions? Why?

  This world is oh so very vast and wonderful. We were not meant to do the same thing over and over again for a few decades and then die. Reject repetitions. Try and do something new. Something you have never done before.

  Whether it is trying out a new activity, learning a new language or going someplace you’ve never been before.

  Each day we are given countless opportunities to do something different with our lives.

  Don’t waste them.

  087 101 032 103 114 111 119


  I realize that you are the only one I will never Miss

  You were always so quick to say I told you So

  Much of our time revolved around me saying Please

  Come on, what we had was not a Home

  My only regret is that I once called you Darling

  Nothing about you was real, but then what in life Is?

  The day you left, everything seemed the Same

  Without you here, it is no longer about me and You!

  Technical Aspect: Taking the first and last word of each line reveals the secret message.

  Explanation: While Distance is one of the simplest Technical Poems in this collective, its strength lies more in the melding of Technical Aspect and subject matter. This is evident in the combination of the person’s adamant declaration of personal betterment following heartbreak and of their hidden, possibly subconscious desire to reunite with their former lover. For this poem, I decided to make the hidden message easy to see (my original plan was to not use bold to mark the words) as I feared that people would read this poem and miss the true meaning.

  For those of you who do not wish to extrapolate the hidden message, I have included it below:

  I miss you so much! Please come home. My darling, nothing is the same without you!

  087 101 032 108 101 097 114 110


  I have always said that life is grand,

  I walk through life with a smile on my face,

  My days are filled with happy smiles,

  A perfect life is what I seek,

  We live in a world of light and colour,

  For those around me, I say don't worry,

  All in all, a blessed day awaits us,

  So I say to you, have a wonderful day!

  I have also included an alternate version of this poem below.

  I have always said that life is grand,

  I walk through it by dancing on the sand

  My days are filled with happy smiles

  They gather new friends from miles and miles

  A perfect life is what I seek

  I am many things but never meek

  We live in a world of light and colour

  Every single day it grows brighter, not duller

  For those around me I say don't worry

  We aren't going anywhere in a hurry

  All in all, a blessed day awaits us

  Why stress at all, why the fuss?

  So with all that out of the way

  I hope you have a wonderful day!

  Technical Aspect: There is a hidden line of poetry between each visible line (originally revealed by highlighting the space with the cursor).

  Explanation: Hidden is one of my first poems to have more than one version, reflecting my indecisiveness in its presentation. The first version, in which the visible and invisible lines shared a rhyme scheme, and the second, in which the visible and invisible lines had separate rhyme schemes.

  The reason behind the duality was the fact that in the first version, the visible lines formed a very disjointed narrative that reinforced the fact that something was missing from the poem. However, for the readers who did not realize that there were hidden lines, what was visible was a poorly written and discontinuous poem. Thus in the second version I made sure that even if the reader never saw the hidden lines, what they did see what still contained a rhyme scheme (AABB) and continuous narrative, with the hidden lines having their own separate rhyme scheme that meshed to form an ABAB format.

  As far as subject matter is concerned, I feel that this poem is one of the most evocative. All of us have thoughts that we would never openly share with our friends and family, and it becomes truly heart-breaking when these thoughts become cries for help that are often hidden in plain sight, ignored by the people around us.

  If you harbour any such thoughts, please, share them with the people around. Do not let your thoughts lie hidden until it is too late.

  As this poem’s Technical Aspect is only visible in certain situations (e.g. on an internet browser) I have included the complete poem (both versions) below. The lines in bold are those that are normally hidden from view.